I am +1 on this Costin,  could you just patch the charter and then we
vote on it?  I would prefer to change the wording to use anything
besides PMC though.  IMO.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Costin Manolache [mailto:cmanolache@;yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:45 PM
> Subject: Proposal: httpd-like PMC organisation
> We already have a line in our charter about having a jakarta-commons 
> specific PMC. Right now it is modeled after jakarta, with 3 
> members.
> I would like to propose changing this number to include more 
> people - I think the right solution is more closer to what 
> httpd and apr projects are doing, where the PMC is composed 
> of most active commiters.
> My proposal is to modify the charter so that a 
> jakarta-commons PMC is composed of all active commiters. This 
> will be volunteer-based, in the sense that any active 
> commiter who wants to become part of the PMC will announce 
> his willingness to participate.
> Questions:
> - should we vote on the volunteering offer ? What is httpd doing ?
> - Should we impose a 2-3 month wait period for new commiters ? )
> - should the pmc have a separate mail list ? ( I personally 
> don't think so - but that's how other pmcs are organised )
> The commons PMC members will split the task of monitoring the 
> files. All decisions will continue to be taken by majority 
> vote of all jakarta-commons commiters.
> Not that this is not a proposal to form a top-level project - 
> just to better organise ourself. Jakarta-commons is IMO at 
> the core of jakarta - with the most diverse set of commiters 
> from almost all jakarta projects. Any major issue will be 
> forwarded to the Jakarta PMC. 
> -- 
> Costin
> --
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