I don't have any objection to Latka/Anteater
integration.  It's actually something I've been
meaning to re-open, since using Jelly makes Latka both
more JUnit and Ant-friendly.

--- James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry to bring up such an old thread. I've just
> committed a patch supplied
> by Robert Leftwich which allows some easy testing of
> servlet request using a
> Jelly library which uses an embedded Jetty server.
> ewcvs-markup
> It got me thinking; I've always kept an eye on Latka
> and Anteater and it
> seems like they are getting closer and closer each
> day. Both use some degree
> of Ant, Jelly, Maven.
> To make unit testing of Jelly easy, JellyUnit got
> created which has JUnit
> integration, assertions, expression support, XPath
> validation and schema
> validation (DTD, RelaxNG and XML Schema). Maybe
> JellyUnit might have some
> use to both Latka and Anteater to help them fit into
> a JUnit framework (if
> they don't already do that).
> Then folks started adding HTTP client and HTTP
> server tags to Jelly thats
> starting to blur the lines even more.
> So now we have 3 projects with some overlap. I guess
> Cactus might overlap
> here too. I get the feeling all these different
> projects are starting to
> travel in the same direction. I'm just wondering
> what peoples thoughts were
> on having some possible integration or sharing of
> code across the various
> projects?
> I'm not exactly sure how or what should happen.
> Sometimes code should stay
> seperate as it just makes life easier. I just wanted
> to open a dialog really
> to see if we can think of ways to share or reuse
> code or somehow work
> together to solve the same goals.
> James
> -------
> http://radio.weblogs.com/0112098/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jakarta Commons Developers List"
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 5:57 AM
> Subject: Re: Latka & Anteater
> > On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 10:26:47PM -0500, Ivelin
> Ivanov wrote:
> > >
> > > Can some of the Latka experts please comment on
> how Latka compares to
> > > Anteater (which emerged from Cocoon)?
> > >
> > > http://sourceforge.net/projects/aft/
> >
> > I've worked on both projects, and like both for
> different reasons.
> >
> > Latka pros:
> >  - Strong typing via a DTD.
> >  - Internally, it's got a very nice
> delegating-SAX-handler model for
> >    adding new elements.
> >  - Decent XML reporting.
> >  - After all Dion's work, it's docs are rather
> good.
> >
> > Latka cons:
> >  - A PITA to compile, due to it's many
> dependencies.  Hopefully that's
> >    changed with Maven.
> >  - The XML file is a bit hard to comprehend at
> first, due to the use of
> >    &entities;
> >  - Inflexible XML syntax (see below for definition
> of 'flexible':)
> >
> >
> > Anteater pros:
> >  - It's based on Ant (it's really a bunch of Ant
> tasks). This makes it
> >    wonderfully flexible:
> >    - I can parametrize tests, by defining
> variables like ${host},
> >      ${port}, ${debuglevel} as properties, and
> reuse them throughout the
> >      script.
> >    - Through the use of targets, I can group tests
> together, and with
> >      the 'depends' attribute, can have common
> groups of tests. Latka's
> >      approach (entities) is workable but not half
> as nice & intuitive.
> >    - I can <echo> whenever I want, or <fail>
> halfway through a test.
> >    - I can use Ant's <parallel> to test multiple
> servers at once.
> >    - I can capture the matched <regexp> or <xpath>
> value as a property,
> >      and print it out for debugging.
> >    - I can do conditional logic, eg "If response
> code is 200, do a
> >      <regexp> test, else if response code is 404,
> set the ${failed}
> >      variable, else <fail> the test".
> >
> >  - It supports testing of interactive services
> like SOAP, which need to
> >    hold a 'conversation' with another HTTP server.
> It does this by
> >    launching an embedded Tomcat instance, and then
> registering
> >    'listeners' which validate incoming requests
> and return specified
> >    responses. Apart from SOAP/web services
> testing, this allows one to
> >    'unit test' a website: have an Ant script
> launch the webapp, test it
> >    and shut it down again.
> >
> >    Here's how you'd launch a Tomcat, and then send
> a query to
> >    it. Both the request and response are validated
> with <match> tags:
> >
> >     <servletContainer port="8101"/>
> >
> >     <http description="Test the regexp matcher">
> >       <parallel>
> >         <listener path="/good.html">
> >           <match>
> >             <method value="GET"/>
> >             <sendResponse
> href="test/responses/good.html" />
> >           </match>
> >         </listener>
> >
> >         <sequential>
> >           <sleep seconds="1"/>
> >           <httpRequest path="/good.html">
> >             <match>
> >               <regexp mustMatch="false"
> assign="n">exception</regexp> <!--
> mustn't contain the text 'exception' -->
> >               <regexp
> assign="m"><![CDATA[.*<html>.*<body.*<p.*You sent
> the proper
> request.*</p>.*</body>.*</html>]]></regexp>
> >             </match>
> >           </httpRequest>
> >         </sequential>
> >       </parallel>
> >     </http>
> >
> >
> > Anteater cons:
> >  - Being based on Ant, Anteater is 'loosely
> typed', ie scripts aren't
> >    checked against a DTD.
> >  - It's not 1.0-quality yet. Ie, the README file
> is misleading, and you
> >    must symlink build/anteater-0.9.x to
> build/anteater in order to run
> >    the tests. The docs in CVS are rapidly
> approaching Latka quality, but
> >    not on the website yet, so it's best to learn
> by example (see
> >    test.xml).
> >  - I don't think there is any XML reporting
> mechanism beyond Ant's
> >    standard ability to attach project listeners,
> which may not provide
> >    sufficient detail (I haven't tested).
> >
> >
> > Btw, there's no reason why Anteater and Latka
> couldn't share a common
> > API for 'validators'. I'd like to try this, but
> for now it's less effort
> > just to duplicate them (there's not that many).
> >
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > --Jeff
> >
> > --
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