> Maybe we need two concepts:
> A ChunkCodec - like Soundex, Metaphone, Refined Soundex, Message
> digests....
> And a StreamCodec - like Base64, Rot13, compression algorithms, sound
> encoding...

Sun dealt with the IO in a block/stream neutral way, where InputStream provides a 
stream oriented view on block oriented media and vice versa. InputStream completely 
hides the underlying media's orientation. I don't like it. OTOH, I like its 
possibility to view it in a unified way.

Lots of munching algorithms benefits or needs chunks (Base64 for one), where the 
implementation has to fake a completely streams based view. Writing the algorithm in a 
block oriented way is easy, the problem is to interface with it.

The problem with a codec interface that takes String as input is that there are few 
algorithms that will benefit from taking strings of arbitrary length. Different chunk 
oriented algorithms works at the lowest level with different chunk sizes and types.

Ideally, you want it to be easy to write the codec, in a way that suits you. Then you 
want to interface with it in another way. Smells like some kind adapter task/ server 
provider interface.



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