Kelvin Tan wrote:
On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 14:25:10 +0100, Nicola Ken Barozzi said:

In the Ant codebase, in the proposals/embed dir, ther is a task that
uses jxpath for configuration. JXPath can make use of more things
than just XML, and is thus much more flexible, and has xpath
I'd take a look at that file and give that a shot for config.
hmmmm...I'm not too sure what you're getting at. I'm kinda referring to something which adheres the Configuration interface, but for XML files.
Repeat: if you use jxpath to make that implementation of the Configuration interface, you get pluggability for free. Or maybe you don't know what jxpath is.

Many projects use xml configuration files, and its odd that each project has its own implementation. Isn't that what the configuration sub-project is for (and Commons as a whole), to factor out common components?
If you want to make sonething that is used project-wide, then look at what is already there, and factor out a common denominator.
Avalon has a Configuration, and will not switch to the Commons easily.

The minus side, of course, is tagging on another lib dependency, dom4j in this case.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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