On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> i only threatened to -1 after trying quite a few times to get rodney to
> discuss his commit.

I'm not interested in starting some sort of flame war on this minor point,
but for the record, I saw exactly two emails on this--one directly to my
apache.org account, which was received on Thanksgiving day, and the other
to commons-dev (cc'ing me as well), to which I responded in about 3 1/2
hours.  One is significantly less than "quite a few". If you sent other
notes, I'm afraid I must have missed them.

> moving MethodUtils to lang is a totally different issue.

Currently ConstructorUtils depends upon MethodUtils, so that's not
strictly true.  See also my initial note on this topic [1] (or for that
matter the initial CVS commit message to which you responded) which
suggests otherwise

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