On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Originally [reflect] was proposed for low-level reflection helpers.
> However this got changed to [lang] because:

Not "proposed", suggested, both in the [reflect] and [lang] case.

> - the package would consist of only 4 classes

What's the threshold number of classes a component needs before it can be
accepted as a commons component?

> - it would still need to depend on [lang]
> - [beanutils] would thus have to depend on [reflect] and [lang]

Why would this be true?  beanutils (which is where we moving a number of
these classes from) doesn't depend on lang for example.  What feature of
[lang] is strictly necessary for reflection?

Even if this were true, what difference does that make?  [dbcp] depends
upon [pool], but that doesn't justify making dbcp a part of pool.
[digester] depends upon [beanutils], but that doesn't justify making
digester a part of beanutils.

> People seem to be loathe to include anything as a dependency in commons.

s/loathe to include/careful about adding

> This issue is all about dependencies and who does what. Commons could
> create 20 tiny jars easily, or it could create one [core] jar. Which is
> the right approach???? It was the first question I raised on joining,
> and we're still arguing about it.

The charter seems pretty clear to me on this:

"2. The package library is not a framework but a collection of components
designed to be used independently."

"3. Each package must have a clearly defined purpose, scope, and API -- Do
one thing well, and keep your contracts."

I'm also not sure this is really a mutually exclusive decision.  If we
want to create a [core] jar, we certainly could do so (e.g.,
http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs/jakarta-commons/combo/).  By the charter
guidelines, it should be possible to distribute a single component in
isolation, but that doesn't prohbit creating whatever bundles you'd like
to create.

 - R.

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