On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 06:51 PM, Costin Manolache wrote:


 from:    Jeff  Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Rodney Waldhoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Costin> If duplication is a concern - then just use
Costin> beanutils ( however duplication is explicitely
Costin> allowed in commons AFAIK).

Robert> i've been convinced that beanutils is
Robert> not the right place for this code.

Rodney> And I'm convinced that lang isn't the right place either.  Let'
split the
Rodney> difference and propose commons-reflect or commons-reflection or
Rodney> and end this thread.

Jeff> As I think several people have pointed out, isn't that what "clazz"
is Jeff> supposed to be?

No. [clazz] is high level pluggable introspection.

Please stop this nonsense "where it should be".

Code will be where people write it - if someone wants to write and maintain
reflection code in clazz, do so. Same for lang, beanutils, ant or tomcat.
If you don't want to maintain the reflection code in beanutils - don't.
there is a very strong argument for sharing basic reflection code. that's why people are interested in finding the best place for it.

the sun reflection code (pre java 1.4 at least) is very buggy. components that rely on reflection need to have a reliable set of utilities with workarounds for these bugs. these need to be well tested and reliable since more complex introspection/introspection alternative system are going to be built on top.

sharing these components means that a bug can be fixed in one place rather than five or six. bugs and workarounds found will benefit all components which use reflection.

it means that users can be directed to a single canonical version. the effort which would have gone into maintaining duplicate versions can be used to create comprehensive unit tests so that we don't get so many bugs to fix.

duplication means supporting different versions each with their own particular bugs. users will have to shop around for a version that has the fixes in that they need.

- robert

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