On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 04:27 PM, Rodney Waldhoff wrote:

On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, robert burrell donkin wrote:

On Thursday, December 5, 2002, at 08:39 PM, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
--- robert burrell donkin

rodney hasn't been a regular contributor to
beanutils either in terms of
code or on the mailing lists. if he couldn't even be
bothered to ask
before making himself a committer
He's not required to ask, only to indicate his
asking is a matter of politeness and means that his participation is less
likely to be vetoed.

a committer has responsibilities as well as rights. if i thought that a
committer was just dumping code into a component and had no intention of
maintaining that code, i wouldn't hesitate to veto.

I really offended by this comment, Robert.  The commit you refer to was
not only well within my rights *and* responsibilities, clearly following
both the spirit and letter of the asf, jakarta, and jakarta-commons
guidelines, but also well within the bounds of politeness and courtesy.
This commit was small (one class, about ~300 lines counting comments and
blanks), unobtrusive (no new dependencies, configuration, extra processing
or memory use was introduced), fully backwards compatible, and well within
the scope of the project.  The "commit then review" protocol is clearly
appropriate (and polite) in this circumstance.  If I need your explicit
approval before making a small, unobtrusive, fully backwards compatible
and in scope commit, then Guideline #15 (Each committer has karma to all
the packages) is meaningless.
i'm sorry you feel this way rodney. i'd thought i'd made it clear that these criticisms don't apply to you.

i was trying (and failing) to speak in general terms.

the guidelines have an inbuilt mechanism whereby components may - if they wish - prevent a new existing commons committer joining. that is, they can veto the addition of the committers name to the list of developers for the component.

- robert

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