I'm+0 and with a little more time on my hands would be +1.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Blog:      http://www.freeroller.net/page/dion/Weblog
Work:      http://www.multitask.com.au

Morgan Delagrange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 24/01/2003 07:50:14 AM:

> Hi all,
> I'm going to talk about Jelly Exception
> handling...again.  :)  I'd like permission to try to
> weed out nearly all of our instances of
> throwing/catching generic Exceptions and Throwables. 
> IMO explicit error handling is better than just
> throwing Exception.  It makes the possible problems in
> your application much more clear.  It makes it easier
> to distinguish between recoverable and unrecoverable
> error.  It makes it safer to change the application,
> because you're aware when you introduce new types of
> Exceptions to your application.  It's just a good
> thing.
> I'd like to try the following steps:
> 1) Replace the generic Exception calls from all method
> signatures EXCEPT TAGS with JellyException.  In some
> cases, there may be a more appropriate exception than
> JellyException (e.g. InstantiationException,
> ClassNotFoundException, etc.)
> 2) Replace the generic Exception calls in the tag
> method signatues with JellyTagException, which will be
> a subclass of JellyException.
> 3) Weed out most of the try/catch blocks in the bodies
> of our methods that catch Exception or Throwable.  I
> will replace them with the specific Exceptions they
> catch (probably JellyException in most cases).
> Steps 1 and 3 can probably be made without impacting
> too many users.  Step 2, on the other hand, will
> probably require changes to most of our tag
> implementations in Jelly, and probably some of the
> tags in Maven and Latka as well.  I'm willing to take
> on as much of the Jelly and Latka work as necessary,
> and I can help with the Maven tags.
> I realize this is sort of a pain, but I think it's
> worth doing before release.  I'd like to give it a
> shot.  Comments?
> - Morgan 
> =====
> Morgan Delagrange
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons
> http://axion.tigris.org
> http://jakarta.apache.org/watchdog
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