just to clear this up, jelly isn't using ibiblio to distribute an official apache release. jelly is available from ibiblio but the official distribution of apache software will always be done from the apache web site.

- robert

On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 08:30 PM, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Just to put it out there, I also notice a number of commons subprojects (jelly for one) are using http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/ for distribution.
Maybe its not a stretch to dream of the day that a "www.javafind.net/www.
jarfind.net" (i.e. www.rpmfind.net) service exists ;-)

-Mark Diggory

Jeffrey Dever wrote:

There appears to be (at least two) locations for releases that need to be manually updated: one on jakarta.apache.org and one on www.apache.org.
Are we supposted to keep both of these manually updated? Why are there two? I have an account on deadalus, but where would I even go to modify what www.apache.org points to?


Jeff Dever

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