On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, Jeffrey Dever wrote:

> Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 12:24:34 -0500
> From: Jeffrey Dever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Jakarta Commons Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: help - multiple location of commons releases
> Here are my suggestions for commons regarding release processes:
> 1) All release packages should be copied to
> www.apache.org/dist/jakarta/commons to allow for mirroring.

+1.  Robert has been doing this on the recent packages he's released.

> 2) jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons should be deprecated,
> removed or replaced with a softlink or a forward.

-1 on removing the nightly builds directory
(jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons/nightly/).  Lots of people want
to be able to grab the latest and greatest code, without having to check
it out from CVS and build themselves.

Is it worth the effort of migrating historical releases to
www.apache.org/dist?  Hmm, for that matter, how long do we keep historical
releases around no matter where they are?

> 3) single inclusive release package.  There should be only one release
> package that contains the license, jar, source, documentation and all
> other files for building and using the component.

Makes sense to me.  The "src" directory (could contain a copy of
everything in CVS for that component, so that it's directly buildable.

We might also think of going to just one packaging format (probably zip)
instead of two as well.

> 4) the binary jar should be uploaded to ibiblio (need to deal with
> license issue)

I don't think that's an Apache responsibility.  Indeed, it would be
better to create an Apache-hosted repository for Apache originated code,
and things like Maven builds should be configured to look there first.
Such a repository could also be mirrorred in the same way releases are.

> Robert,
> I have a release guide for httpclient.  It is based on the commons one,
> but more complete and accurate (I hope).  Its kept in xml form in the
> repository but is on the website in maven generated form:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/releases.html
> >
> > i was considering updating the release documentation but really a
> > discussion about release procedures is probably in order first. i'll
> > volunteer to update them afterwards if a consensus forms.
> >

+1 for working towards commons-wide documentation (and use) of a common

> > for the latest releases i've cut, i've added them only to the mirrored
> > directories. i've also also tried to follow the apache mirroring
> > guidelines. i've added instructions to the commons release directory
> > telling people to obtain them through the mirrors. the reason why i
> > haven'
> > t added them to the commons directory is that i want to encourage
> > downloads from mirrors since this reduces the strain on the apache
> > infrastructure.
> >
> > - robert


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