On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

> Henri Yandell wrote:
> > Is there any need to support both tar.gz and .zip? With the exception of
> > some minor pain on Apple machines for tar.gz [although I've never had this
> > myself], it seems we could ditch one of these distribution mechanisms.
> These days, most Windows tools that support zip also support tar.gz.
> Most linux/unix distributions support both zip and tar. I'm not sure
> about apple's capabilities when it comes to zip.

A version of Apple's tar had some kind of bug. I'm not sure if that's
still there. The main problem with OS X is that the default [and only
reasonable] filing system is case insensitive [windows has this problem
though], and more painfully, the default unzipper stuffit likes to chop
filenames off at a certain length. But these are the same problems for
tag.gz and zip.


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