Your right, oops. I haven't thought about JDK <1.4 in a while.

I do think that a FunctorException would be valuable. The ability to catch
exceptions thrown from functor, or any library, separately from other Runtime
exceptions seems important. For now FunctorException could be a simple extension
of TunneledException or NestedException. GeneratorException could then be
removed, or it could be an extension of FunctorException.

I am in total agreement with you about checked Exceptions by the way. It bites
you in particular when dealing with high level interfaces or abstract classes.

I have some additional "generators" but I am not sure where the best place for
them is. For example, I have a generator for xml nodes that looks like this:

new EachNode(xml, "/root/path/to/[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 10]").select(pred).apply(func);

This generator creates a dependency to dom4j (or whatever parser we want), which
I assume you don't want. Would you see something like this living in the dom4j
repository? Or maybe a separate maven target could build functor with optional
generators/packages, like jelly seems to be doing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Waldhoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:36 AM
Subject: [functor] GeneratorException and JDK < 1.4

Jason (and whomever else takes an interest),

The "generator" stuff just added to commons-functor includes a form of
nested/tunneling exception called GeneratorException.  This exception, it
seems, is intended to wrap a (checked) Exception, as thrown by specific
Generator instances, in a RuntimeException.

As currently implemented, this adds a dependency on JDK 1.4, since it uses
the RuntimeException(Throwable) constructor.  Otherwise, commons-functor
is backward compatiable to JDK 1.2 (or even JDK1.1 with collections).

Two comments on this:

1) I'd like to maintain backward compatiablity with earlier JDKs, if at
all possible.  A version of GeneratorException that overloads the
Throwable.getCause method to return a locally defined reference to the
throwable, and doesn't use the super(Throwable) constructor might be one
way to achieve this in a backwards and forwards compatiable fashion
without comprimising the current functionality.

2) GeneratorException begs the question of some sort of generalized
FunctorException and/or a small collection of specific exception types
(PredicateException, ProcedureException, etc.)  Alternatively, the
NestedException type in lang could be used for this purpose.  Personally,
I'd prefer a specific TunneledException type that is used (and only used)
to adapt Exception to RuntimeException, as I've described at
and elsewhere.

Thoughts? Comments?

- Rod <>

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