> That sounds like a better implementation as it is unlikely to timeout
> long running transactions.  But implementing an Observer pattern in
> the Connection, Statement, ResultSet implementations would still allow
> such an implementation, right?

Let me please take advantage of this moment of sanity to point out that
there have been over 100 messages on this topic, and we're still were we
were back on June 29th, when David Graham said "I am open to designing DBCP
in such a way that allows people to plugin the behaviors they need including
reclaming connections (the Strategy pattern may be useful here)."

If anyone can point to any real new ground, I've missed it in the noise.
There has been more spinning on this discussion than in the Tour de France.

Are we agreed that the base functionality will facilitate pluggable
behavior?  If so, let's move on, shall we?  There are other issues worth
discussing, such as the state of logging, and the unfortunate use of
System.out.println ... <self clothing=nomex state=laughing/>

        --- Noel

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