On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 01:00:04 -0400
(Subject: RE: [combo] Commons Core release?)
"Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Now, Jakarta-ORO think about one of the potentialities
> > > of the transfer to commons-proper. (How about Regexp, ECS?)
> > Makes sense to me.  All three of those packages are the right sort of
> > scale (self contained class libraries) that Commons was designed to deal
> > with.
> If you look at the mailing list for oro
> (http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]&by=date&from=2003-08-01&to=2003-08-31&first=1&count=15),
> you'll see that coming here is one of the options.  I think that it
> makes sense to invite them.

Is this Jakarta PMC matter? Anyway, oro/regexp/ecs are all compact and 
would fit to the commons-proper charter.

> > Only if combo is truly a combination of every Commons package that you
> > need :-).
> I agree.  For example, the ones interesting to James are Collection, Pool,
> DBCP, NET and ORO.

Haha. Anyway, one of the possibilities is "Jakarta Commons Combo".
The other is "Apache Commons Combo" (Apache Commons Project, so
components in db-commons/xml-commons can join to it)


Again and again, "Bye bye! too many jars! ;-)"

-- Tetsuya ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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