FYI, I've requested that the maven folks add/update:

1) commons-collections-SNAPSHOT.jar
2) commons-collections-20031027.jar
3) commons-collections-testframework-SNAPSHOT.jar

in the repository (see <>)

and also that they add commons-primitives-SNAPSHOT.jar to the repository
(see <>).

Once commons-primitives and commons-collections-testframework are
available via maven, we can deprecate the commons-collections versions to
point to the new locations, and once again update the
commons-collections-SNAPSHOT to the deprecated versions.  At that point
we should be free to proceed with a release of either or both components,
as far as I can tell.

On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Rodney Waldhoff wrote:

> I guess I wasn't quite clear there.  It was my intention as well to strip
> the "collections" part of the current packaging before the release.
> The plan then is to:
> A) Repackage what's currently in [primitives] from
> org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.** to
> org.apache.commons.primitives.**
> B) Deprecate what's currently in [collections] at *.primitives.**, to
> point to the [primitives] version
> C) Ask the maven folks to publish a  -SNAPSHOT and dated build from the
> resulting commons-collections HEAD to the ibiblio repository
> D) Initiate a 1.0 release of [primitives] with the current code base,
> slighly repackaged.
> E) Remove the *.primitives.** packages from [collections], either before
> or after D.  (With all things being equal, we should probably at least
> allow the deprecation warnings to show up in the nightly builds for a
> couple of days first.)
> Is that right?
> (Assuming it is) I'll volunteer to be the primitives 1.0 release manager,
> but I won't have much time until next week to dig into it.  Also, I
> haven't done a release since the mirroring structure was set up, but I
> suppose I'll be able to muddle through.  Are there documenation on that
> process somewhere?
> - Rod <>
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