On Friday, November 7, 2003, at 05:53 PM, Vic Cekvenich wrote:

Danny Angus wrote:

3/ Geronimo is not under the jurisdiction of this PMC. The Geronimo
situation was explained to you at the time .

Would you please refresh my memory a link the message explaining the source of Geronimo source? I think that most people believe, including me, that it is refactored jBoss code, how else could so much code apear.

Come on, Vic. Take this to the geronimo list if you have accusations.

Remember, many of the core Geronimo developers were core JBoss developers. They are free to re-license their code if they choose to, just like you can take code *you* contribute to the ASF and relicense if you wish to. They are also focused and dedicated and working on this full time, in an area that they have expertise in. Re-writing something you have done before is generally much faster the 2nd time around.

or just ignore this post, no need for another flame war on Geronimo. I think Geronimo is a shamefull part of ASF.

Take it to the members list or the Geronimo list.


tia, .V

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