John Keyes wrote:

On 21 Nov 2003, at 18:49, __matthewHawthorne wrote:

I agree with the idea about testing all Java versions. Testing all platforms is important too. In theory, it seems like we need some type of text matrix, in which we identify all platforms and JREs that the software has been tested on.

Something like:

     1.2    1.3    1.4
Solaris   x
Linux     x      x       x
Windows          x
BSD       x      x
Mac OSX          x       x

Even if we are not able to access every version on every platform, it would be nice to see this information. Users who have access to an untested platform could volunteer to run the tests and submit the results.

Is this overkill?

Well I think we should document what we've tested it on.  As Jakarta
is geared towards server side software this is a great idea.

I agree. We actually went through some of this fun in the run up to lang 2.0. I tested using Sun's Linux JDKs 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 and IIRC, Stephen or Henri ran tests on Windoz. I can't remember exactly which versions and what we had to do to get some of the tests to run under the pre-1.4 JDKs. We probably should document this and include a statement in the release notes.

The same comments hold true for performance tests. I have been planning for some time to set up some performance tests for lang, similar to what Craig did for BeanUtils. Any volunteers to help with this? We could gather and publish the test results, along with the platform compatablity tests on the lang web site. I will eventually get to this, but I am a bit time constrained at the moment.


-John K

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