__matthewHawthorne wrote:
Perhaps we need a simple and generic performance report generator.

I've been thinking of how to write a nice junit TestDecorator that would provide performance statistics. It already reports the time of each test, I was thinking of calling System.freeMemory() before and after the test to try and get a grasp on memory load. Then maybe running the tests twice and using the average to be safe.

We could output the results to XML and display with a stylesheet, like the <junitreport> task in Ant.

Is this a good idea? Maybe there's something like this already, with a Maven plugin?

When I asked about this on the maven list, Hen pointed me to http://www.clarkware.com/software/JUnitPerf.html

I haven't played with this yet, but it looks to me like it will pretty much give us exactly what we need.


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