IO's been sitting there for a bit. We've had some minor usage, but not a
lot yet. I think we need to get things out the door asap.

The task file says that:

1) IOUtils: Remove toByteArray variants with bufferSize. Jeremias has
reasons for this at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg19703.html

I'm happy for it to be removed if Jeremias feels it should.

2) FileUtils needs cleaning up.

3) Test cases needed for:

    EndianUtils 'InputStream/OutputStream' methods.
    ProxyXxx's [pretty easy to test, and not that much to test as easy to
                inspect by eye]

And that's all we really have on the list.

On 1), it seems that Jeremias is driving this one. What's the status

On 2), we need to define what this actually means. I suspect by and large
it means moving things about between FileUtils, FilenameUtils and IOUtils.
For example:

byteCountToDisplaySize is not File based but a simple helper to show a
number in 1024 units, much like -h flag to 'du' or 'df'. Still, not sure
it fits anywhere else either and it is handy-ish.

toSuffixes(String[]) looks like it's a better fit for FilenameUtils.

Other than that, the use of 'final' in method parameters is not normally
our communities coding style and we might want to dump that. What else?

On 3), these are bitches to write tests for, except for the Proxy classes
which are easy enough. Personally, I'm happy for us to release without
tests for these, either because:

a) We release at 0.9 or something, or 1.0-beta, or
b) we don't release with these classes

Thoughts, opinions, insults?


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