On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> On 29.12.2003 07:26:47 Henri Yandell wrote:
> >
> > On 1), it seems that Jeremias is driving this one. What's the status
> > Jeremias?
> I was just waiting for someone to comment on that, but I guess noone
> objects so we can just delete these methods. I can do that tomorrow if
> nobody does it first.

Go for it. The benchmark seems to show that it doesn't make a difference

> BTW, IOUtils still has some deprecated methods that we can now remove.

Kill em. Though looking at them does cause me to think a bit as I hadn't
noticed CopyUtils.

Should IOUtils be called StreamUtils?

Why are File copy things not in CopyUtils?

> > On 2), we need to define what this actually means. I suspect by and large
> > it means moving things about between FileUtils, FilenameUtils and IOUtils.
> > For example:
> >
> > byteCountToDisplaySize is not File based but a simple helper to show a
> > number in 1024 units, much like -h flag to 'du' or 'df'. Still, not sure
> > it fits anywhere else either and it is handy-ish.
> It's nice-to-have. Should we move to to a separate class? I'm not sad if
> we remove it, though.

Could go to IOUtils, but otherwise I think it's fine in FileUtils unless
someone obejcts.

> > toSuffixes(String[]) looks like it's a better fit for FilenameUtils.
> Well, this method should have been private, a helper method to listFiles.
> I can't explain right now why this ended up public. I'd make it private
> again unless someone wants it public and then it would have to move to
> FilenameUtils.

Made private.

> > Other than that, the use of 'final' in method parameters is not normally
> > our communities coding style and we might want to dump that.
> Doesn't the 'final' modifier help the JIT to improve speed?

Only in inheritence I think. There's no inheritence in:

public static boolean contentEquals(final File file1, final File file2)

it's only usefulness is to stop someone reusing the file1 and file2
variables, which some people consider to be a bad practice.

> > What else?
> FileUtils is already pretty clean. But now that we've split off
> FilenameUtils, that's where the whole mess is right now. Some of these
> methods only work on unix systems. I've started rewriting code for that
> class but have stopped again as this need some discussion. I can
> probably write that up tomorrow. FilenameUtils has some deactivated
> test cases that if activated fail. There some major work left there.

Cool. A write up would be good as to what the problems are etc.


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