On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> On 29.12.2003 07:26:47 Henri Yandell wrote:
> >
> > On 1), it seems that Jeremias is driving this one. What's the status
> > Jeremias?
> I was just waiting for someone to comment on that, but I guess noone
> objects so we can just delete these methods. I can do that tomorrow if
> nobody does it first.

Leaving for you to kill.

> BTW, IOUtils still has some deprecated methods that we can now remove.

All seemed to be due to the move of code into CopyUtils. I've removed the
deprecated values, pointed IOUtils to CopyUtils for the places it uses
copy methods and changed the IOUtilsTestCase to point to CopyUtils. Some
of these tests will want to either be deleted or moved to
CopyUtilsTestCase if not already there.

> > Other than that, the use of 'final' in method parameters is not normally
> > our communities coding style and we might want to dump that.

All finals should be gone from the code now. At least the bad ones. I've
left final on classes for the moment, and final on a static variable is a
good thing.

> > What else?
> FileUtils is already pretty clean. But now that we've split off
> FilenameUtils, that's where the whole mess is right now. Some of these
> methods only work on unix systems. I've started rewriting code for that
> class but have stopped again as this need some discussion. I can
> probably write that up tomorrow. FilenameUtils has some deactivated
> test cases that if activated fail. There some major work left there.

I've changed the todo to match this.


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