Our current server (ActiveMath) is blocked entirely by JDK 1.4: it's a server with slightly too heavy memory requirements and the result is... OutOfMemoryError on most Unix-VMs if in JDK 1.4. (especially true on MacOSX, very frequent on Sun and Blackdown's on Linux).
Hence the wish not to depend on this for libraries that we would take.

However, I wouldn't object the build of a jakarta-commons component to require JDK 1.4.


On 30-Dec-03, at 18:06 Uhr, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

This has come up in regards to using some of java.nio in Commons/Net also.
I say we leave the last release as 1.1 compatible and move on to using
1.4+ for new versions.

Personally, I use JVM 1.4+, myself. However, everytime we do a survey on
server-user, we get emphatic feedback from our users to preserve support for
JVM 1.3.1. Before dropping support for pre-1.4 systems, perhaps it would be
a good idea to raise the question on the user list?

There are also ways to support pre-1.4 while still gaining the advantage of
1.4+ systems when available.

--- Noel

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