In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Geir Magnusson
 Jr writes:
>Don't forget that not all platforms have 1.4 or a mature 1.4 that 
>people trust.  it too a while for apple to get 1.4 out to OS X - I 
>wouldn't use OS X in production of course, but it's my development 

Absolutely.  J2SE 1.4 java.nio in Sun's JVM was broken even on Solaris
until the 1.4.2 release, causing me quite some grief when I tried to
demo some code on Solaris that had been developed on Linux.  The
Win2k implementation was buggy as well until  1.4.1.  That's part
of why I think java.nio work should start on an experimental branch
(another reason is that it allows experimentation with design changes).


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