>I wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jeffrey D. Brekke writes:
>>Its just a suggestion.  I can live with an experimental branch also,
>>just in other projects I've been involved with, if HEAD isn't the
>>focal point of new development, it get confusing where to put stuff,
>>what is working, etc.
>I understand and agree with what you're saying and think we had different
>ideas of the nature of new development.  I was thinking that for the

I just realized that my original suggestion didn't make it clear that
the experimental branch, should it result in good code, would be
remerged into the HEAD branch come time for its first release and
the 1.x stuff would branch for maintenance at that point.  It may
have sounded like I was suggesting that 2.x development continue
forever off of a non-HEAD branch.  I don't know if that adds anything
to the discussion if it was misunderstood.


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