I wrote:
>Sanity check the steps to make sure this is what we want:
>  o rename NET_1_1_0 tag to something else, let's say FOO
>  o tag FOO as NET_1_1_0, this time with the -b flag to make it a branch tag

I left out "delete the FOO tag" ...

>If that seems like not a good thing, another option is to tag the NET_1_1_0
>snapshot with NET_1_1_0_MAINTENANCE or some such tag for the 1.1
>maintenance branch and leave the existing NET_1_1_0 tag alone.

I forgot to indicate what I favor.  Only because I haven't thought of any
arguments against it, I favor the first method (change NET_1_1_0 to
a 'cvs tag -b' branch tag).  The second approach is safer because it
doesn't run the risk of screwing up anything and I don't object to it.
The only con I can think of to the second approach is that having two 
tags with NET_1_1_0 in them may be confusing.  I don't think I've
ever retroactively branched after tagging with CVS (usually, for me
at least, branching is premeditated), which is why I don't have a
strong preference.


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