In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Cooper writes:
>On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Daniel F. Savarese wrote:
>> All I was getting at was what to name the tag.  My understanding was
>> that a tag needs to be created as a branch.  I should have used
>to point out that there are two distinct types of tags in CVS. Branches
>affect future commits, and are harder to change your mind about after the

In the context of the discussion, I should have said either
that "the tag" (meaning the tag we were talking about) or that
"a branch tag" (meaning any branch tag) "needs to be created as a branch"
(meaning using -b).  Without my saying that, it does sound like I'm saying
the wrong thing.  Anyway, there's no harm (and probably some help, given
my lack of clarity) in your clarifying it and I may still be wrong about
the roundabout way of changing a label to a branch being the only way to
use an existing CVS non-branch tag as a branch tag.


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