Move to PHP and have an included global nav bar ;)

+1 to all you say Tim. I've no desire to put the maven sites in CVS, but
the current site is screwed up with regards to CVS.

The problem with the apachecon logo is that in the past a single change is
enough to fix all Commons sub-sites because they were all generated from
the same nav, and the site was generated all in one go.

With Maven sub-sites, we no longer have that option. Each Commons sub-site
has become even more its own entity and adding a change to the menu will
take a long long time to filter through.

It's frustrating enough that I'd almost recommend switching to frames, if
I didn't think it would get me hung, drawn and quartered.

The solution I think is to change the Commons site utterly. Stop it being
an umbrella site, and turn it into more of a portal. Something that lists
the site but doesn't have any need for a change to the portal page to
imply a change to all sub-pages [beyond a change of logo].

Looking at the [lang] maven site, this would mean throwing away all the
links on the left and reducing them to a much smaller amount based on the
ones inlined [ie) the article, the link into bugzilla for lang bugs].

It would then link up to the Commons site very, very strongly and we would
change the Commons site to better structure its information as it no
longer needs to feel like a template structure.

Summarising, I see 2 viable options:

1) Dump Maven.
2) Dump the common nav bar.

Extremes being:

3) Improve Maven.
4) Switch to dynamic pages, php/jsp/ssi.


On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Tim O'Brien wrote:

> Here are the issues:
> 1. Maven sites are derived from content already stored in CVS.
> 2. Using CVS as a backup for a simple site does make sense, BUT this
> concept doesn't scale when there is a large amount of content that could
> be changing on a daily basis.  Take change logs, or unit test reports.
> Or, think about versioning the StatCVS html - versioning an analysis of
> our version control.  Storing deltas for this does not seem to be
> intelligent.
> 3. As of this Monday there were still four or five Maven gen sites that
> had the nav ad for ApacheCon.  now this raises the question, if there is
> a Commons site with that ad it hints to me that no one hasn't taken
> responsibility for maintaining that site.   Few people take
> responsibility for site publishing right now, and making the process an
> order of magnitude more difficult (requiring a "huge" number of files to
> be versioned every time a site is republished) will only serve to
> discourage people from taking initiative.
> Seriously, we should not make what is a straightforward process more
> difficult just because "that's the policy"   Adding another step to a
> process that no one performs - that just means that fewer people will
> step up to the plate and take the initiative to improve our confusing
> hodgepodge of websites.
> Tim
> Henri Yandell wrote:
> >It's pretty easy to change, though it assumes that everyone is playing by
> >the rules.
> >
> >When I last attempted to make a change to the Commons site, there were
> >clashes in the latka/ directory and local modifications in the httpclient/
> >directory.
> >
> >The latka clashes on reflection appear to be due to the documents being
> >removed from CVS, but the old CVS entries remaining.
> >
> >Changing the navigation bar means being quite open with your cvs update,
> >and I'm hesitant to go breaking latka and potentially causing an issue
> >with httpclient.
> >
> >Hen
> >
> >On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>IIRC it was official apache policy. And I think if you look at all the
> >>non-maven sites you'll find most have CVS folders on the server.
> >>
> >>BTW, the lang maven site doen't link from the commons home page yet, and
> >>that seems a more complex job to change...
> >>
> >>Stephen
> >>
> >>From: "__matthewHawthorne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >>
> >>>There were talks a few months ago about checking in sites -- but as far
> >>>as I can see all of the commons project sites are not checked in.  I
> >>>didn't really like the idea anyway, and I'm not sure what the story is
> >>>anymore.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
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