I'm -0 to hiding the commons proper links. I think that they are a key part
of letting us and users navigate around the commons site, and are part of
keeping it one community. Also, the maven collapsable stuff is slow and
clunky and I basically hate it. (the sandbox is different for other reasons)

I would prefer to try reversing the order of project docs and commons links
before any talk of collapsable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "robert burrell donkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <snip>
> > Something that might work well at least in the short term is to ditch
> > all
> > the items under each menu item, and instead have the menu just link to
> > a
> > page on the main  http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/ site.  That would
> > reduce it down to 8 hotlinks, and not require every subproject to have
> > lots
> > of complex shared XML files that import the shared entities..  I'm
> > thinking
> > this really might help cleanup the various Sandbox websites that often
> > become old/out of date because keeping their project documenation
> > files up
> > to date is hard..
> >
> > We could use the existing Maven commons/xdocs file to host the
> > subproject
> > pages that are linked to..  so we would have /commons.xml,
> > /download.xml, or
> > /xdocs/commons/index.xml, /xdocs/download/index.xml,
> > /xdocs/viewcvs/index.xml, /xdocs/community/index.xml that would link
> > to all
> > the seperate pages.
> i think that the major part of the work involved with making the menus
> collapsable would be the creation of the documents you suggest. once
> that's done, we could then use some jelly magic to use them as the
> navigation place holders that the collapsable menus need to work.
> - robert
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