On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 11:43, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On 12 Feb 2004, at 06:25, Simon Kitching wrote:
> > Hi Robert,
> hi simon
> > A while ago there was some discussion about the newly added
> > MultiVariableExpander, and whether or not there was also a need for a
> > simple VariableExpander implementation.
> >
> > You were going to look into whether MultiVariableExpander implements a
> > true superset of ant variable-expansion behaviour or not (I believe it
> > does).
> >
> > Did you make any progress on this?
> nope, it was just an idea. like many ideas,
> > Is there anything that I can help with?
> if you fancy taking a crack at it, that'd be cool. i wouldn't describe 
> it as a blocker, though. 

Fine. Then let's leave things as they are. If, post-release we find that
the MultiVariableExpander doesn't cut it for some people then a
SimpleVariableExpander can be added. If the MultiVariableExpander works
for everyone, we can later rename it (and deprecate the old name).

> i'd also really like to add solid handling for 
> processing instructions. this is also looking for a volunteer but 
> again, this isn't a blocker.

I saw the discussions done earlier. However this isn't something I
currently have much interest in, and no volunteers appear to be popping
up. I'm keen to release without it.

> > I know you're rather busy on Betwixt at the moment, but I would
> > like to keep some momentum towards a Digester 1.6 release too, if
> > possible.
> there are really two different issues.
> the first is finding a release manager. it's not possible for me to act 
> as release manager now. (i'm now of the opinion that release managers 
> should be current members of the jakarta pmc.) nor is it possible for 
> me to cast binding votes on release related matters (for similar 
> reasons). so, a volunteer would need to be found to take on this role.

> the second is the state of the code. i'm of the opinion that the 
> digester team has been at fault in not releasing often enough. so i'd 
> be happy to push towards a quick 1.6 if a suitable volunteer could be 
> found. there are a number of extra features i'd really like to see in 
> digester but i don't regard them as blockers.

Ouch. The "digester team" is really you + me, and mostly you. [Though
Craig did pop up again recently].

Is there anyone out there willing to be the release manager for Digester
version 1.6? I'm happy to do most of the work, but have not been
involved in any commons release before.

> of course, i'd be interested to hear what other people think about 
> release a 1.6.

I only see *one* item as needing to be done prior to a release, and
that's up to me. The plugins module mechanism for finding the dynamic
rules to be loaded is currently "monolithic", and needs to be broken out
into a set of "strategy" implementations. This also needs to be done in
order to break the hard-wired English xml attribute names currently

I've had a couple of goes at this, but not been satisfied with the
result. I'll try again this weekend.

Craig/Robert: Digester does have some open bugs in bugzilla that I think
can be closed: 599. 12997 3983, 23001. They've all got comments against
them from me. If you could check/close these I think that would be easy
& useful.



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