Quoting Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> This might have been brought up before. It's about the dateformat used 
> in SimpleLog. Currently SimpleLog uses "yyyy/MM/dd", but the ISO 8601 
> standard, which is spreading rapidly, has this format "yyyy-MM-dd". On 
> the other hand, changing a thing like this might be concidered breaking 
> backwards compatibility.

ISO Dates?  Now where have I heard about *those* before?  :-).

I think it'd be a good idea to add an *option* so that you can have ISO dates,
but have the default behavior be identical to the current in order to avoid
breaking backwards compatibility.  However, I don't necessarily have an itch to
do this myself for the 1.0.4 release (it could easily be added immediately
afterwards and thus be available in nightly builds to people that want it).

Best way to make that happen would be to post an enhancement request into the
issue tracking system (http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/) -- even better would
be a request plus a patch.  Sound good?

> -- 
> Dennis Lundberg


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