Simon Kitching wrote:


We had a discussion about author tags a while ago. The general consensus
was that individuals should no longer be listed in these tags [NB: not
an official vote]. I think this is now also apache policy?

It's a recommendation of the ASF Board.

Robert Donkin suggested using them to credit "the commons team", with
the benefit that a link would lead back to apache.

I see that these tags have started appearing in Betwixt:

* @author <a href=''>Jakarta Commons Team</a>

I'm happy with this; the line length is 73 chars, so it fits nicely
within an 80-char line without wrapping and seems useful.

Does anyone have any objections if I replace all the existing @author
tags in digester with this? I have already copied all author info into
the project.xml file...

[NB: I might make it "The Jakarta Commons Team" for grammatical reasons

I'd actually prefer to just get rid of the @author line entirely. If we're going to keep it, though, the link should really point at something useful, like perhaps the home page of the Digester website.




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