On 3 Apr 2004, at 08:18, Simon Kitching wrote:

Hi Robert,

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 07:46, robert burrell donkin wrote:
i quite like author tags for aesthetic reasons :)

the reason why i favour including a link is that (judging from the
volume of personal email i've received from users over the years) there
are still quite a few users who don't know how to find the existing ASF
resources. i'm not really sure whether i prefer the link targeting the
jakarta mail page, the jakarta commons page or the main jakarta page,

How exactly are these users finding your personal email address? If it
is through a personal @author tag within the source code, then that will
no longer happen :-). Will this resolve your concern on this topic?

the point i tried (but failed to make clearer) is that users who only have the javadocs available to them seem to be unable to locate the right place to find the information that they need can be found (which is jakarta.apache.org).

Personally, I have no sympathy for java developers who are looking at a
source code file containing the apache licence and the package
declaration "org.apache.commons.digester" and still can't find the main
website. I think we're probably better off without them!

i like to give users as much help as possible to get started especially newbies. many organizations host internal copies of the javadocs. there are still developers out there who have never heard of the ASF.

one of the reasons why jakarta (in general) and commons (in particular) have proved popular is that we're better at communicating with users than some other open source projects. but users need to find us before they can take advantage. we're now top on google, msn and yahoo so all they have to do is search but i still like the idea (and the aesthetics) of a very obvious link from the documentation.

I'm not trying to push anybody one way or the other; I don't care too
much, except that we have to resolve this one way or the other in order
to get a release out the door.

I guess if there isn't an obvious consensus, then we need a vote?

i think that the consensus has been reached that there's no harm in removing author tags for committers.

the question of whether they should be replaced with a jakarta or ASF tag (and what that tag should be) is unresolved but isn't too important. i don't think that anyone would veto the removal of the author tags just because you didn't replace them with their favoured replacement. if a consensus about author tags emerges (or if someone feels motivate enough to do the work) then they can easily be added later.

On a separate issue, is there a BeanUtils release anywhere in the near
future? It would be great to release Digester with the new BeanUtils and
therefore no dependency on Collections.

1 i think that a release of beanutils and time soon is very unlikely
2 due to a missed reference in the public API (darn :<) the dependency on collections cannot be removed without a new major version of beanutils

- robert

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