On 21-Jun-04, at 20:17 Uhr, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
Is there a good reason to keep the configurations using DOM4J instead of their DOM based equivalent ? If there is no difference between the two I'm tempted to remove DOM4JConfiguration and HierarchicalDOM4JConfiguration (or to move them to a contrib directory), and then merge DOMConfiguration into XMLConfiguration and HierarchicalDOMJConfiguration into HierarchicalConfiguration.

What do you think ?

Although I'm not involved in configuration I would warn about speed and memory differences.

I haven't used dom4j intensively but did, at the time use jdom quite much. They are very similar in memory and speed.
And this from a migration from Xerces DOM. Basically it went as follow:
- time to build with Xerces DOM 100%
- time to build with Xerces SAX on JDOM 50%
- time to build with Saxon's Aelfred SAX on JDOM 25%

Also, using dom4j might, if you do this well for it, offer you weak xml-loading using XPP... (at least in theory).

my 2p


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