Emmanuel Bourg wrote on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 5:06 PM:

> Jörg Schaible wrote:
>> Taking Paul's comment into account, there seems not to be a real
>> sufficient solution. DOCConfiguration is quite nice for JDK >= 1.4,
>> since no additional dependency is generated. Therefore I vote in
>> first place for the DOMConfiguration, but it might be good to have
>> DOM4JConfiguration in e.g. commons-configuration-optional around and
>> the possibility to tell the "core" to use this implementation.
>> Comments?
> DOMConfiguration is even nice for JDK 1.3 since most server
> environnements under this version provide the standard XML
> APIs. I don't
> think [configuration] is performance critical enough to
> justify the use
> of an additional dependency, and there are other possible
> optimizations if a better implementation is really needed (for
> example the properties could be stored only once in the
> BaseConfiguration and the DOM parser could be dropped for a SAX
> parser). 
> I tend to prefer a complete removal of the DOM4J classes to
> cut down the
> maintenance burden.

Fine with me.

-- Jörg

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