At 10:32 AM -0400 10/1/04, Mike Stanley wrote:
I don't think there is a maintainer for this (ultra-tiny but useful),
sandbox component.  Can someone take the initiative and push the latest
build to the repository at ibiblio?  Maybe even coordinate a 0.2 release

I'm not the maintainer, but I recently got sandbox karma and I'm interested in commons-email.

I guess I wouldn't think it appropriate to put on ibiblio as it is now. Would you be satisfied with a SNAPSHOT build on the Apache "nightly-build/beta" repository?

Maybe I'm making too much of the "sandbox" status and the like, but my sense has been that the ibiblio mirror is intended for more official, finished stuff.

In addition,  I have a basic class VelocityHtmlEmail that extends
HtmlEmail and adds support for setting the Html Msg with a template, and
Plain Text Msg with templates.  This is very basic, but I find it very
useful, especially when working with other developers that aren't
familiar with Velocity.  I there is interest I will contribute this
class to the project.

That sounds interesting. If the class takes the responsibility for interacting with Velocity, I kind of feel that it should be in some alternate package, to keep the core dependencies lighter -- but for one class, that feels a little bit much too.

Once upon a time, I wrote a template abstraction API which could be brought to bear on this problem. It was quite simple, but I was able to use it to set up templated email that could use Velocity or Jelly as template languages. The Jelly template thing was just a proof of concept.

For now, why don't you file a Bugzilla ticket and attach the source for the class. That will put it somewhere where it won't get lost while we see if anyone else out there has strong feelings about some of these questions...


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn back; I'll know I'm in the wrong place."
- Carlos Santana

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