On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 13:45:43 -0400, Mike Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 11:30, Joe Germuska wrote:
> > At 10:32 AM -0400 10/1/04, Mike Stanley wrote:
> > >I don't think there is a maintainer for this (ultra-tiny but useful),
> > >sandbox component.  Can someone take the initiative and push the latest
> > >build to the repository at ibiblio?  Maybe even coordinate a 0.2 release
> > >:-)
> >
> > I'm not the maintainer, but I recently got sandbox karma and I'm
> > interested in commons-email.
> cool.
> >
> > I guess I wouldn't think it appropriate to put on ibiblio as it is
> > now.  Would you be satisfied with a SNAPSHOT build on the Apache
> > "nightly-build/beta" repository?  http://cvs.apache.org/repository/
> Well, there is currently two different (and old) Snapshot builds on
> ibiblio and a very old 0.1 release.  I'd prefer to see an updated
> snapshot build (with the timestamp format preferably) or something get
> put up there.  After all the code does work right now, and has changed
> significantly since the last snapshot build (the build doesn't even have
> the authentication support).
> I would think that moving this to a 0.2 release would be acceptable.
> After all 0.2 is still indicates that the code is very pre-pre-alpha.
> > Maybe I'm making too much of the "sandbox" status and the like, but
> > my sense has been that the ibiblio mirror is intended for more
> > official, finished stuff.
> >
> > >In addition,  I have a basic class VelocityHtmlEmail that extends
> > >HtmlEmail and adds support for setting the Html Msg with a template, and
> > >Plain Text Msg with templates.  This is very basic, but I find it very
> > >useful, especially when working with other developers that aren't
> > >familiar with Velocity.  I there is interest I will contribute this
> > >class to the project.
> >
> > That sounds interesting.  If the class takes the responsibility for
> > interacting with Velocity, I kind of feel that it should be in some
> > alternate package, to keep the core dependencies lighter -- but for
> > one class, that feels a little bit much too.
> Hmmm..  Personally, I don't think putting it in a different package is
> overkill.  Adding velocity requires the addition of Velocity.jar to
> build, but not to run (unless of course, you use the class ;-).

I'd prefer to avoid a required build-time dependency on something like
Velocity. Better would be to borrow the approach Commons Chain uses,
and only build Velocity-specific code if the Velocity jar is present.

Martin Cooper

> > Once upon a time, I wrote a template abstraction API which could be
> > brought to bear on this problem.  It was quite simple, but I was able
> > to use it to set up templated email that could use Velocity or Jelly
> > as template languages.  The Jelly template thing was just a proof of
> > concept.
> Alternatively,  we can borrow the template abstraction used in Groovy
> for this sort of thing.
> > For now, why don't you file a Bugzilla ticket and attach the source
> > for the class.  That will put it somewhere where it won't get lost
> > while we see if anyone else out there has strong feelings about some
> > of these questions...
> Will do.
> >
> > Joe

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