On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 00:15:07 +0100, Emmanuel Bourg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > until such time that either the courts or the FSF provide the necessary
> > legal clarification, the ASF cannot allow such imports.
> Another solution mentioned in a previous thread is to write an addentum
> clarifying the uncertaincy of the LGPL for Java projects, have the ASF
> lawyers validate it and ask the authors of the LGPL components we'd like
> to use to add it to their licence.

This is in the process by the way. Sam and Geir are our real champions
on this, I figure my job is to nudge them from time to time. In the
last board minutes, the board seemed to agree that this seemed
reasonable and all seemed very positive about being able to use LGPL
imports, though not .jars in our CVS or modifying LGPL code.

I'm being a humble padowan, but I'll hassle them again in a few weeks
to see if things are still moving. I assume they need to get this to
the lawyers and get some agreement. So, there's hope, at the end of a
still far away tunnel.


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