It'd be pretty easy to have James use the "Null" mailet as the first (and only step) in its processing logic. This would cause James to spool the incoming messages to disk, and then always discard them. That would be a much heavier weight solution though.

We use something slightly like this, at least informally. There's a tool called Postal ( that does SMTP and POP benchmarking, and that has an SMTP sink.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

Corey Scott wrote:

[Extract from the website]
The Dumbster is a very simple fake SMTP server designed for unit and
system testing applications that send email messages. It responds to
all standard SMTP commands but does not deliver messages to the user.
The messages are stored within the Dumbster for later extraction and

The Dumbster slots itself very easily into your testing strategy. As
long as your application talks to an email server using SMTP then the
Dumbster can be used to test the application with no code changes.
[End extract]

We have been using it to allow us to test send mails and do some
rudimentary verification of the sent mails in our jUnit tests.

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