A couple of comments and additions below.

On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 12:47:02 +0100, Eric Pugh
> Hi all,
> A couple questions about updating the site...
> 1) Is updating the main commons site automated or not?

No, it's not.

> 2) in jakarta-commons/BUILD_DOCS.txt are some instructions, but they appear
> to be just to build the main page, correct?  I think, but am not sure, that
> they are out of date, and have been replaced with just running "maven site"
> from commons-build?

I confess to being out of date on knowing the Commons website
generaton process, so someone else is going to have to deal with that
kind of question.

> 3) The ASF logo on the top left of the commons site seems to have gone
> missing, this is an error right?
> 4) Once I generate the site into /jakarta-commons/commons-build/target/docs
> then I need to copy the content to jakarta-commons/docs and commit it.  What
> about though the extra files generated by maven that aren't in
> jakarta-commons/docs.  Should they just come over as well.
> 5) Should the maven site goal copy the new content for you into
> jakarta-commons/docs?
> 6) should I just delete the /jakarta-commons-sandbox/email directory, or
> leave the folder and a note pointing to the promotion?  What about the
> website as well?  I think for [configuration] we just deleted both.

The ideal scenario would be to use "cvs delete" on all the sandbox
files, so that the original history is maintained there, but nobody
who checks out the sandbox (with "-dP" at least) will be bothered by
the files.

> I'll update the wiki based on the feedback I get.
> Eric

Additional items:

(7) Switch nightly builds to run from Commons Proper instead of sandbox.

    -- I switched as of tonight's run (20041126), but I'm
       still getting failures in the tests (can't start the server)
       that cause the overall "ant dist" build to fail.

(8) Adjust CVS access karma for any email committers that had access
      to the sandbox but not to Commons Proper.

    -- Please let me know if that applies to anyone here, and
       I will adjust the karma.  Graduating sandbox packages
       take their committers with them.


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