At 10:31 PM 12/20/2004, robert burrell donkin wrote:

IIRC we're never really gone for official consultations here at apache (or at least the bits i've been involved with): too much committee, too little community. i alerted ceki (who i've know and respected for too many years even though we don't always agree) soon after i discovered this thread and hoped that other interested folks from the logging project.

jakarta commons has a slightly different focus and expertise. we're more interested in bricks (small, compact reusable components with minimal dependencies) than logging systems. the extensions proposed by richard would allow components with enhanced logging requirements (such as i18nable messages) to be added to the commons.

so, in many ways it doesn't matter whether existing logging systems offer these capabilities or not: what matters is whether there is a need for this kind of enhanced logging for the kind of bricks built by the jakarta commons. it's good people that logging experts have shown up to the party but (so long as a need for this exists), the party would have happened anyway.

Official consultations at Apache might be a drag, but the last time I checked, Jakarta Commons was part of the Apache Software Foundation. It might not be a concern to this group, but keep in mind that the ASF frowns upon mission-creep.

No doubt that your party would have happened without the participation
of LS. Unfortunately, LS often gets stuck cleaning up after your party

- robert

Ceki Gülcü, Chairman of Apache Logging Services

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