At 07:51 PM 12/21/2004, robert burrell donkin wrote:

now it's getting political :(

Your comments about the "optionality" of consultations elicited my political response.

Many  ASF  members   were  involved  with  Apache  at   one  point  or
another. Moreover,  Jakarta has quite  a few influential, I  dare say,
very influential, members.  Thus, it is not easy to emphasize with the
sense  of  victimization  shared   by  some  Jakarta  committers.   If
proportionally  too few Jakarta  committers are  ASF members,  which I
honestly  doubt to  be  the  case, what  is  keeping existing  Jakarta
members from increasing their own representation?

matters of scope are less important than matters of community. if strong community backing emerges then the scope issues can easily be solved. if no community emerges then matters of scope will become irrelevant.

It all depends on how you define community. By community do you mean Jakarta Commons, Jakarta or the rest of the ASF?

- robert

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