> Basically, the JEXL dependency would only be a runtime dependency for
 people who chose to use those implementations of commands which
 depended upon it.  We could have a subproject for "contrib" or
 something, but my feeling is that that's more trouble than its worth.
 If the binary JAR for commons-chain is readily available and the API
 has no dependencies, then why not include useful implementations in
 the same JAR with clear instructions on when they require auxiliary
 libraries?  Still, if people would prefer a commons-chain-contrib
 project, I wouldn't complain; I'd just want some opinions on where
 exactly to put it.

I think the contrib thing would be overkill. I agree with you there. Remind me again of why your use case requires expressions? Wouldn't the ignoreReturn value attribute allow you to prevent the termination of the larger chain that the LookupCommand is contained in?

I blurred two things together; if one assumed (as I did) that LookupCommand always returned false, then it seemed reasonable that you might want to have a flexible way of aborting a chain which was looked up. Writing a hard-coded class which simply tests the state of the Context seemed less than elegant.

I have also earlier envisioned a variant of the LookupCommand which was more dynamic in its lookup because rather than having a command name hard-coded, it could use an expression to retrieve the command name from the Context. You can do this to some exent using the "nameKey" property and the CopyCommand, but I think it would be more flexible and more elegant with expressions. A specific use case I had thought of for this before was the idea that you might, in Struts, define an entire catalog of commands whose names were potential values for ActionForward.getPath(). You could then use a lookup command to automatically invoke a command in that catalog if one matched the path. You couldn't get this without a custom command, because Copy can only copy an object in the Context, not a property of an object in the Context.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.germuska.com "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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