On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 07:35, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> --- robert burrell donkin
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > i'd definitely be willing
> > to review patches if someone wants to volunteer to
> > alter the build,
> > create some good test cases and write up some
> > documentation. 
> I'd be happy to take that on if a consensus is reached
> that repackaging is the way to go.  

i think that repackaging might be the way to go for the future of the
1.0.x series of JCL releases. i also think that anything that can
improve this series is definitely worth doing. it has the great
advantage of being fully compatible. 

opinions anyone?

> Might take me a
> bit of time though, as I'm fairly swamped.

understood :) 

- robert

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