On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 10:46 -0600, Kris Nuttycombe wrote:
> Hi, all,
> As a few of you know, I've been the primary developer on the
> commons-pipeline project for a bit over a year now. For the past several
> months, the project has languished while I've been occupied with other
> things, but it's now seeing a lot of new development from a new
> contributor.  Since it's under active development, it would be very
> useful for me to be able to commit changes to the repository. What is
> required to obtain committer privileges for the sandbox?
> Also, there are a number of links that have been broken on the
> commons-pipeline site for some time, and any help fixing these problems
> would be greatly appreciated. The maven site:generate goal produces the
> site correctly, so I think that all that is needed is to push the new
> site up on the server.

Hi Kris,

If you're an apache committer then all you need to do to get sandbox
access is ask. Someone with the appropriate access to 
then just needs to add your apache id to the jakarta-commons-sandbox
group and commit the change.

I'm not sure whether you are an existing apache committer or not - in
the project.xml for pipeline you list your id as "kjn" but there is no
such user on people.apache.org...

Assuming you are an apache committer, the best place to post your
request to is probably general@jakarta.apache.org though I expect there
are people subscribed to this list with the ability to update

I'm happy to help get the pipeline site out. I'll have a look this



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