On 10/15/05, Mauro Talevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Phil Steitz wrote:
> >
> > I understand, unfortunately this is against our release policy (at
> > least publishing to ibiblio).  I will try to get the actual release
> > out ASAP.
> >
> Just to understand - this release policy seems specific to the commons
> math project, since other commons projects seem to deploy RCs and
> snapshots.  If so - is there any specific reason for it?
> If not on ibiblio - perhaps another URL on ASF where to deploy the jars?

We do have an "internal" maven repo at cvs.apache.org/repository. 
Assuming others are OK (see below), I will push the RC3 jars there.

> They would be not be considered public releases - just like the zip and
> tar.gz distributions.
> IMO it would make it a lot easier to test the RCs in real production
> projects and would benefit the commons math project.

There is general consensus that it is OK to publish snapshots to our
"internal" repository at cvs.apache.org/repository (aka
"java-repository"), but not to ibibilio.  The snaps on cvs.apache.org
are not guaranteed to remain there and users should not be encouraged
to use them in production applications.  Others can jump in here and
state different opinions, but I think at least within commons we are
in agreement that we publish only released jars to ibiblio.

Some apache projects vote on and release formal betas and some
separate release votes from stability votes.  At this point, in
commons, we follow the process described here:
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases, which is to fix contents
of the release via a release plan, then cut RCs for download /
inspection from people.apache.org, iterating until a full release vote
passes and we publish to apache mirros and ibibilio.

This process and the Jakarta voting / release guidelines really
predate maven.  It may be reasonable to add a "push RC jars to
java-repository" to the RC process.  If other commons committers are
OK with pushing RC jars to java-repository, I will do this for the
current [math] RC and update
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases to add a "publish to
java-repository" step to the RC step.  This creates a little more work
for RMs, but if it means the RCs get more / better testing and we are
all OK with it from support / oversight perspective, I am OK with it


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