I can see where the Dojo parsing methods *will* make life easier... but in just quickly glancing at the dojo.xml.domUtil methods, it only looks like slightly more convenience than doing it myself.

By the way, is there more documentation online than the API outline (http://dojotoolkit.org/docs/apis/index.shtml)? That's not telling me a whole lot, and I'd hate to miss something cool just because I was looking in the wrong place :)

I've always felt that the Digester rules model, even though I have to fight it sometimes to do what I want, is a very powerful approach that really does save a great deal of time and effort, and I haven't seen anything as truly useful anywhere else. I think duplicating even a small subset of that functionality in Javascript is different enough from existing options that it might be worth some effort.

Martin Cooper wrote:

On 11/25/05, *Frank W. Zammetti* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hope everyone (in the states at least!) is having a good Thanksgiving
    weekend (and I hope, like me, that most of you have a 4-day extended

    Has any thought been given to, or has any work been done already, to
    creating a Javascript-based client-side version of Digester?  I'm
    starting on a new project soon where I'll potentially have to be doing a
    fair amount of client-side XML parsing, and it occurs to me that using
    Digester would make my life A LOT easier.

It's not Digester, but you might want to take a look at dojo.xml.Parse at http://dojotoolkit.org. They have robust XML parsing support in there, and I'd hate to see us duplicate all that.

Martin Cooper

    Even if only a subset of functionality was available, I think it would
    be a nice thing to have.  If this idea HASN'T been explored yet, would
    there be any interest in it besides me?  I could possibly roll it into
    my project as a to-do and get it done.


    Frank W. Zammetti
    Founder and Chief Software Architect
    Omnytex Technologies
    AIM: fzammetti
    Yahoo: fzammetti

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Frank W. Zammetti
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AIM: fzammetti
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