Oliver Heger wrote:
[ ] +1  I support this release and am willing to help
[ ] +0  I support this release but am unable to help
[ ] -0  I do not support this release
[X] -1  I do not support this release, and here are my reasons

Finally had time to check it (and note down what I did for the future). Apologies for it being a late -1.

Usage of Simian. This is a commercial product which requires a license. They state that they will grant a license to OSS, but we should confirm whether ASF/Jakarta has such a license. The simplest thing for now is to remove this report from the website until the PMC can confirm the legal position.

jar file manifest:
Built-By: hacker

I assume 'hacker' is a username of yours. However, I think its unsuitable for an ASF distribution.

jar file manifest:
Build-Jdk: 1.4.2_04

Also, I assume that the build-jdk has come from the jdk running maven and is not the version configuration supports? Not sure what the solution to this is except using ant for the build running JDK 1.3.

The xdocs are not included in the src download.

Other recommended changes:
- Digester dependency states v1.5, but v1.6 is now released.

- You specify the two separate beanutils jar files when you could specify just beanutils-core (there is no dependency on beanutils-collections).

Other optional ideas:
- Ensure that the source zip unzips to a directory name ending with -src. There is a maven setting for this, but I can't find it quickly.

- Include a -src-ide.zip file in the binary release. See commons-io. This can only be done with ant AFAIK.

- Line endings. It seems that you are converting txt files in the root folder. Personally I would like to see all text files in the root folder converted. This can only be done with ant AFAIK.

- Ensure that the jar uploaded to ibiblio is exactly the same as that in the binary release - including date and timestamp. This makes problem resolution easier. This can only be done manually AFAIK.

You may notice that ant is needed to achieve much of the above. But maven vs ant is a debate for a separate thread.


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