Hi Mario,

Say you have an application where you simply could "open" or "save as"
> files, e.g. picture viewer/converter, jedit or so on.
> Then it might be nice if we have a swing/awt component which utilize VFS.
> I guess it should be possible to extend the common "open file" dialog,
> isnt it?

Unfortunately there is no way to change the Swing file chooser dialog so
that it would browse the file systems with VFS. In fact that component
contains so many hacks and partially implemented features (shortcuts to My
Computer, Network Neighbourhood, Desktop and retrieval of operating system
file icons) that I don't think anyone would want to work on it (except major
refactoring) even if it would be open source.

Both AWT and SWT use the operating system's file chooser so that can't be
changed either to use VFS.

So we're left with implementing it from scratch. And now that you mentioned
it I think that at some point we might need this feature in JCommander (this
will be a SWT/JFace implementation and not Swing). Certainly this will be
required when we will provide an internal file editor (based on the powerful
Eclipse editor framework). In fact I have created the " File dialog based on
feature request (with Research status) for JCommander here:
warmly welcome you all there for a brainstorming session :-)


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