On Sun, 2005-12-11 at 11:16 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:
> On 12/11/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > robert burrell donkin wrote:


> > >>I think the main reason not to move to Maven 2 yet is that it would
> > >>fragment commons, which would be an issue. At the least there should be
> > >>parallel builds.
> > >
> > >
> > > could you expand on this a little?
> >
> > I just expected that people would not like to have different ways to
> > build different components, so introducing parallel builds might be the
> > best way to start introducing m2. But as far as what commons needs,
> > Maven 2 should cover more than what m1 does now.
> >
> Can you expand a little more on this, Brett?  If maven 2 will cleanly
> solve our site and dist problems, it might be best to bite the bullett
> and put our energies there.  Specifically, we need to be able to do
> "maven dist" and meet all the requirments here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/ReleaseChecking
> and we need "maven site" to generate a site with the common l & f
> currently kludged together in commons-build.  Everything beyond that
> is gravy ;-)


we've reached a bit of a critical point now

we can't scaling: we rely on a small number of people who understand how
to create good releases and maintain the site build but we really need
to add new committers and expand the community. 

it's easy to reorganize short term priorities if we can see that we be
able to solve some of the problems which have been sapping our energy
and enthusiasm. maintain two builds (though) will just become yet
another chore.

in a way, commons is easy since we insist that the component websites
are built in a particular fashion. as for releases, we've had so many
releases in recent times take months and months for technical reasons
which could be addressed by a tool i think that any solution would have
a big take up.

- robert

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